
Are you Awake - Bad Dreams

Ep 12 - Are you Awake - Bad dreams. .Are we over? Performed by Rik Brown and Madison Carter. Original music played by Panfred Reed. Are You Awake? an improvised podcast.

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Are you Awake - Ashes

Ep 11 - Are you Awake - Mum's Ashes. Sisters and their mother's ashes. Performed by Jenny Lovell and Amy Moule. Original music played by Panfred Reed. Are You Awake? an improvised podcast.

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Are you Awake - The farmer and the dancer

Ep 10 - Are you Awake - The farmer and the dancer love under the stars Performed by Tim Redmond and Melissa Eccleston Original music played by Panfred Reed. Are You Awake? an improvised podcast.

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Are you Awake - Tim Tam

Ep 9 -Tim Tam Late-night requests Performed by Tim Redmond and Lottie Dowling. Original music played by Panfred Reed. Are You Awake? an improvised podcast.

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Are you Awake? - Halloween special - The Contract

Bonus Halloween Episode - The Contract. When the devil comes... Performed by Kiran Rao and Jessica Luu. Original music played by Panfred Reed. Are You Awake? an improvised podcast.

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Are you Awake? - Halloween Special Two Sisters

Bonus Halloween Episode - Two Sisters. Performed by Jenny Lovell and Melissa Eccleston. Original music played by Panfred Reed. Are You Awake? an improvised podcast.

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Are you Awake? - Cruise

Ep 8 - Cruise A rocky love boat. Performed by Rik Brown and Jill Healy. Original music played by Panfred Reed. Are You Awake? an improvised podcast.

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Are you Awake? - My Primary

Ep 7 -My Primary. Is this a happy marriage? Performed by Jessica Luu and Rhys Auteri. Original music played by Panfred Reed. Are You Awake? an improvised podcast.

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Are you Awake? - Mum

Ep 6 -Mum. The twilight years for mother and daughter? Performed by Madison Parker and Jillian Healy. Original music played by Panfred Reed. Are You Awake? an improvised podcast.

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Are you Awake? - New Job

Ep 4 - New Job. Does he really support her? Performed by Brenna Dixon and David Myers. Original music played by Panfred Reed. Are You Awake? an improvised podcast.

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