Impro Gym Term 1: Game Theory with Tim Redmond

by Kevin Yank on 4 January, 2014 in Workshops

Our advanced Impro Gym workshop this term will be led by Tim Redmond, on the subject of Game Theory. For those considering joining this class, here’s a sneak peek at what Tim has planned:

Game Theory

Impro Games are bread and butter for play. Short-form silliness to long form genre-handles. Replays, Rollercoasters. SpaceJump. In the style of. Word games. Physical games. Musical games. There are literally thousands.

But what do they give us, these games? Does each game have a purpose, a lesson? What can we learn from playing them? Do they serve our narrative skills? Character skills?

A: Lots. Yes. Lots. Yes. Yes.

This term’s Impro Gym workshop, entitled “Game Theory”, is a term on games. We’ll hit the lists, the endless lists, pluck games and play and play them till they show us their joy, their point.

Then we’ll take that and break it open and ask, “What else can we do with this?”

Week 9 of the term will be a performance showcase of all the new games we’ve discovered during the term. A “greatest hits” of sorts.

Extensive knowledge of impro games is not required. Willingness and a sense of play is the key.


Enrolments for Tim’s “Game Theory” workshop are now open. Join the class now!