Smells Like A Song
2019 Shows – closed

“a show that you could see over and over again.” - Theatre Press

Smells Like A Song sees the multi-talented Impro Melbourne players pulling an entire improvised musical out of thin air. And as with any Impro Melbourne show audience participation is an integral part of the fun.

Each member of the audience receives a rose and at any point during the show that rose can be tossed onstage with a cry of ‘Smells Like a Song!’ Cue the players to stop dead in their tracks and belt out a show stopper.

Creating a number that complements the unfolding scene while also moving the action forward is a huge challenge but it’s one that the company’s versatile and experienced performers are more than equipped to take on.

With a live musician accompanying the proceedings Smells Like A Song is a glorious melodic melting pot of styles and genres. A night of musical mayhem that celebrates the very best of improvisation and onstage collaboration.

When the curtain comes down the players are hoarse, the stage is ankle deep in roses and all that’s left to do is enjoy a nightcap in the comfort of the Courthouse Hotel bar.

Cast: Brenna DixonAmanda Buckley, Jess LuuRik Brown, Jim Fishwick, Jess Pratt, Rhys Auteri, Sophie Power, Ty Norman,Tim Redmond, Lottie Dowling, Jenny Lovell, Kevin Yank, Adam Hembree, Amy Moule, Megan Roebud plus musician Pan Reed and technical director Teddy Lines.

Show Details

Dates:  2nd & 23 March, 27 April, 4th May & May 18th, 1 June & 15 June, 6 July & 20 July, 3 Aug & 17 Aug, 5 Oct & 19th Oct, 2nd Nov & 16th Nov.


7:30pm - 9:30pm

Full $20.00
Concession $15 (Child over 12, Student, Seniors, concession card)
Groups 4+$15  per ticket

Impro Melbourne students discount


The Courthouse Hotel
86-90 Errol Street North Melbourne, VIC 3051

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