
with Tim Redmond

“The course was clearly designed to build upon the skills we had learnt in the previous week/s, which made for a natural and clear progression”

Scene Work is designed to advance your skills from simple narratives in scenes and games into more complex and open scenes. Create funny, moving and satisfying scenes by understanding the key principles of identifying the story and whose scene it is, how to advance and when to end. Learn to create a compelling platform and fearlessly add a tilt. Learn to heighten and explore, answer the promise of the platform and use reincorporation.

The course is designed to challenge improvisers to create scenes without relying on suggestions, games or gimmicks. To focus completely on what’s happening and who they are with as the tools to develop a scene. These skills are important building blocks of long-form work. 


Prerequisites: Impro Melbourne’s Spontaneity and Narrative Technique or equivalent impro experience as determined by the Artistic Director.

Questions? Contact our workshop co-ordinator Katherine.

Age requirement: 18 and over. Please see our Impro in Schools programs for anyone under 18.

Workshop Details

Dates & Times

May 7 – June 25, 2025
Wednesdays 7.00pm – 9.00pm
Course of 8 classes


Early Bird price
(spaces limited)

Regular price
$359.00 full
$329.00 concession

Prices in AUD, GST included

Enrol now


The Salon, Abbotsford Convent
1 St Heliers Street Abbotsford, VIC

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Tim has been with Impro Melbourne since 2004. He teaches impro to discover something of meaning and delight and his classes focus on connected scene-work and the endless stories that can bubble from the simplest moment.

Read Tim Redmond’s full biography