
Weekend Notes: Grand Theft Impro

“If you have never been to an improvisation show - you must. Every time I go I'm amazed at the skills, talents and depth of knowledge the actors have. How do they make connections to so many ideas and so quickly? From just a keyword or two they never fail to somehow turn this into comedy – it's mind-boggling.”

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Grand Theft Impro Guest Stars!

Here's our guest stars for our current season of sell-out Grand Theft Impro!

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Weekend Notes: Smells Like A Song!

“I loved this production: it was vibrant and suspenseful because it is a moment-by-moment experience and the actors are totally responsive to each another and their audience. That, in itself, is a recipe for total theatre engagement.”

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Try Out for Impro Melbourne’s Rookies!

Impro Melbourne is excited to announce Tryouts for IM’s Rookies.

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Inside the Gorilla Mask

Our Improvisors' thoughts on why they love Gorilla Theatre™ as much as you will!

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23 July Workshop: Finding your Inner Clown with Keng-Sam

“Our body is our best resource to create a story.” In this workshop, Keng-Sam (visiting from Reunion Island) will help you work on your inner clown, to move and be moved together.

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Special workshop announced with international instructor Gary Schwartz!

Viola Spolin’s theory of Space and Space objects is not a trivial subject. The incomparable Dick Schaal, the undisputed master of Spolin’s Spacework said “Space is the geographical location of creativity.”

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Special Workshop June 19th: Proximity & Pulsing (Amy Shostak)

How do our bodies in space tell a story? Join us for a special, full-day workshop with Rapid Fire Theatre’s Amy Shostak (Canada).

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Maestro Impro™: A Debuting Rookie’ Perspective

Last year I was lucky enough to be selected along with 9 other wonderfully talented individuals to join the cast of Impro Melbourne Rookies. On May 1st they unleashed me on stage for my first ever Maestro Impro™.

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The Plus Ones: Impro Melbourne’s new show Maestro

“I am going to add a new affliction to the medical journals: ‘Face-ache – a condition caused when an individual laughs and smiles for such an extended period of time that their face aches.’ I got face-ache at Sunday night’s ‘Maestro Impro’™, a generous two-hour helping of improvised scenes, skits and masterly impro battles presented by Impro Melbourne.”

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